Sunday, 14 September 2014

Vasco is a trick as of now!!!

Vasco is a trick as of now!!! I'm in Vascoinvestment since Feb-23-2006.
Time to time site was down, they had reported about such specialized issues,.. anyway i got paid normally till Apr-17. Last time i asked for a withdrawal at Apr-22 . Today i have gotten an installment affirmation through email. There is a cluster No , yet there is no cash at my e-gold. What is this ? May be, is a fake group No and no one attempted to use? I found that Vasco's record 2461572 is blocked (see My e-gold's setting is "blocked cannot". No one but this could be a reason why cash not come. I simply sent a help ticket to VI. 

 I might want to see what they will answer and when. I have a little trust in light of the fact that i effectively used to them 2 prior months furthermore i wish to give back my cash however much as could be expected . In any case no more interests in VI even they are not a trick yet . All remaining parts unaltered. Vasco is not offering an explanation to help tickets. Withdrawal that i asked for, still not paid upto now and their site was down from yesterday. In this way, I have no more trust. Vasco moved to SCAM.
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